Thursday, March 31, 2022

19 Crazy Cool Facts About Geckos

1. Geckos are small reptiles that have been around for millions of years. They can live on any type of surface including glass, rocks, trees, and even fire hydrants. Their diet includes insects, spiders, scorpions, centipedes, slugs, snails, worms, and other small invertebrates.

2. A gecko's skin has tiny scales called granules. These granules line the outside of the body making them waterproof and allowing them to shed water off their bodies.

3. When a gecko wants to move from one place to another using what is known as a "gecko step". This involves raising the back foot slightly off the ground and then pushing forward with the front feet. The gecko uses its tail to help balance.

19 Surprising Facts About Geckos
4. Most geckos are nocturnal but some species are diurnal. Diurnal means they are active during the day while nocturnal means they are active at night.

5. There are over 200 different species of geckos worldwide.

6. Geckos are native to South America, Mexico, Central America, northern Africa, southern Europe, and western Asia.

7. Geckos are reptiles that have adapted well to living in the desert environment. They possess many traits that enable them to survive in this harsh climate. Their ability to climb vertical surfaces allows them to escape predators, and their small size makes them easy prey. However, they can easily adapt to different environments and thrive wherever they find themselves.

8. Geckos are nocturnal animals. This means that they sleep during the day and wake at night. Nocturnality is a trait that evolved over millions of years and has been passed down through gecko species.

19 Surprising Facts About Geckos
9. Geckos are extremely territorial. A male gecko will defend his territory against other males from neighboring territories. He will even attack intruders who try to enter his home. Females do not usually fight off males; instead, they use their body heat to keep males away.

10. Lizards eat insects, spiders, worms, mollusks, and snakes. They are opportunistic carnivores, meaning that they will take whatever food they can get. Some people believe that geckos may enjoy eating insects.

11. Geckos lay eggs once a year, although they may lay several times a year if conditions are right. When geckos mate, they will often perform a courtship ritual where they will rub each other's bodies together. After mating, the female will lay her eggs in a protected location, such as under rocks, logs, or crevices.

19 Surprising Facts About Geckos
12. Geckos can change color to match their surroundings. They can turn completely black, white, brown, yellow, red, green, blue, purple, pink, orange, gray, or any combination of these colors. If the gecko does not want to blend into its background, it will cover itself with a layer of sticky saliva.

14. Geckos are amazing animals that have been around for over 200 million years, and they can survive in just about any environment. They are known to live in deserts, rainforests, urban areas, and even houses! Their survival skills include being able to run up vertical walls and hang from ceilings.

15. Geckos need moisture to stay alive. If their habitat dries out, they'll die. Geckos don't drink water; they get their moisture from food sources like insects and spiders.

19 Surprising Facts About Geckos
16. Geckos eat cockroaches, centipedes, crickets, ants, and other small insects. You may have seen a gecko eating a bug before, but did you know that geckos can spit? When they're ready to eat, they'll stick out their tongue and flick off a stream of saliva onto the insect. This sticky substance helps them grab hold of their prey.

17. Geckos are nocturnal, meaning they spend their days sleeping and their nights active. During the day, they go into a state called torpor, where their body temperature drops down to match the cooler temperatures outside.

19 Surprising Facts About Geckos

18. Geckos have incredible hearing and eyesight. Some species have eyes that are almost 1/10th the size of ours! They use these organs to help them navigate through their environments, locate mates, and find food.

19. Geckos are extremely agile. They can jump 10 times their length and can even climb smooth surfaces upside-down.